Print readerships down again, but with online audiences on the up ..
Print readerships for most national daily and Sunday newspapers continue to decline. According to the latest set of National Readership Survey figures, only four titles - the Financial Times, The Times, Sunday Times and i - added a small number of readers in the year up to October compared to the same period last year.
Six dailies suffered what are regarded - by NRS - as "statistically significant" falls. They were:
- The Independent (-22%)
- Daily Star (-19%)
- The Guardian (-16%)
- Daily Mirror,
- The Sun (-14%)
- The Daily Express (-12%)
The Independent's total readership over the 12 months stood at 393,000 but its little sister, i, managed to record 568,000, a 1% improvement on the previous year. At the other end of the scale was The Sun with a total readership of 6,123,000 readers. To put this in perspective, the paper was claiming an audience of more than 12m in the 1980s. Among the Sundays, six titles were also said to have statistically significant readership decreases. The worst, by far, was the Sunday People, with 42% fewer readers year-on-year.
The others were the Sunday Express and Daily Star Sunday, both down 20%, The Observer (-14%) and the Mail on Sunday (-7%). Of course, all of these print readerships were offset by rises in the users of websites. NRS has also released the PADD (combined Print and Digital Data) figures, which make better reading for publishers. In some instances, these show huge differences. For example, the Daily Telegraph's online increase over print on a monthly basis was 184% and The Guardian was up 159%.
Overall, this article just proves the fact that newspapers are my dying because of online media. Its more productive, its easier to use and obviously because online news is free the audience are going to prefer it, who wants to pay for news? Maybe in the past where people actually used to pay for newspapers everyday but now because everything has changed people don't expect or want to pay for news.
Overall, this article just proves the fact that newspapers are my dying because of online media. Its more productive, its easier to use and obviously because online news is free the audience are going to prefer it, who wants to pay for news? Maybe in the past where people actually used to pay for newspapers everyday but now because everything has changed people don't expect or want to pay for news.
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