Sun editor: topless Page 3 photos 'not set in stone' ..
Could The Sun be on the verge of changing its mind about Page 3? Its editor, David Dinsmore, said today: "It is not set in stone that there must be a pair of breasts every day on Page 3." His statement came on a day where the paper had a very different kind of Page 3 where there was no nipples on display.
He had earlier pointed out, during an interview with the BBC's John Pienaar, that he stood by his decision to continue running pictures of topless women. He said: "I make The Sun for its readers, not for the No More Page 3 people, or the Twitterati or Guardian readers. We held focus groups in which it was clear that we shouldn't touch it [Page 3]. People don't want to be told what should be in their newspaper." Dinsmore said Page 3 was an "intrinsic part of the brand" and to remove it would therefore be "brand erosion." He added: "As far as I'm concerned I've parked the issue.
Now the paper has digital competitors, such as BuzzFeed, which he described as "brilliant - the best thing on the internet". Its content, "with a mix of light and shade", was "just like The Sun." He was convinced that, despite falling print sales, his paper's content was "the subject of every conversation in Britain each day", even though people might not be conscious of it coming from The Sun because it was copied so quickly by other sites. "People don't want news," he said, "they need it." He would not be drawn on how well, or not, The Sun's website has performed since it went behind a paywall (a word he didn't like).
Personally, I believe the suns page 3 is the unique selling point of that newspaper and also, the man is right when he explains how people don't actually want news however they need it therefore having something that will attract them isn't all bad. On the other hand I find it degrading and harsh on women for a whole newspaper to portray these women as sex objects. Its wrong and as a women I think they should get rid of page 3. If people don't want to read the news that's there problem.
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