Sunday, 10 November 2013

Weekly NDM Story ..

Newspapers Are Dying For A Lot Of Reasons, And Craigslist Is One Of Them

Newspapers are dying. It’s an inevitable fact that the Internet has made print newspapers largely irrelevant. People think that the Internet has only robbed newspapers of their readers due to the medium’s ability to deliver news faster, but a new study has found that the Internet has been taking ad dollars from newspapers as well.

What should worry more newspapers is that the study didn’t take into account any decline in classified ad rates from 2008 to 2012. The researchers fear that newspapers may have felt the sting of Craigslist even more over the last four years. The study also didn’t take into account other online classified ad services so the impact could be even greater. 

Despite the doom and gloom surrounding the death of newspapers, the researchers are largely positive. They feel that newspapers are adjusting their business models to deal with the shortfall left behind by the loss of readers and ads. That’s true for the larger newspapers, like The New York Times, that have successfully transitioned to online and mobile.

Personally, I believe newspapers are dying because e-media has taken over through the simple fact that its easier and quicker to find information out. Also, because newspapers cost, people prefer online news as its free. Eventually newspapers will die forever, its just a matter of time.

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