Post Colonialism Theory
What is Post Colonialism?
- 19th & 20th century - Britain and other European powers held colonial empires in Africa, Asia and South America.
- Colonist produced media which naturalised colonialism-they were bringing a civilising influence to the colonist countries.
- Post Colonialism emphasises the importance of the cultural, economic, political and military dominance of this past.
- The absence of non-white images in the media, visually suggests the dominance of the white culture.
- Edward Said (1995) introduced this concept, it's a perspective that suggest the East and the Orient are representations of both fear and fascination.
- Diaspora Identity - means to be forced or voluntary migration.
- People experience a sense of belonging to a culture of the country of residence.
Alvarado (1987)
- Suggest that there are four types of representations for members of the black community
- The Humorous
- The Exotic or Sexually Promiscuous
- The Pitted.
- The Dangerous.
Post-Colonialism Continued ..
- Black and Asian people are often represented in negative roles, such as Villains or the 'helper'.
- Representations in soaps, rely on myths that relate to the colonialism past, such as Asian shopkeepers.
- Remember: Stereotypes and representations are often constructed as binary opposite.
- Such representations exaggerate the differences and minimise the similarities between people in different groups and can be seen as legitmising often negative attitudes.
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